Archive for April 9th, 2013

Photo of the Day

Photo of the Day

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”
-C. S. Lewis

Where will you set your limits?

Day 33.

Well shit it has been quite some time since my last blog post, oops. 

I am going to try to get back to regular blogging once again. But since it was been so long I feel as though I should update you all on my life. Well today is the 9th day of March, and its snowing! It’s not just snowing a little its snowing a lot. Everyone as you walk it feels like you are getting slapped by tiny tiny baby hands, it is a painful thing. I still can’t believe I mustered up the motivation to work out this morning, and go to class. I only have one class today and that one class is probably the class I should have missed on a day like today. But oh well, music appreciation is always needed for the real world right, haha wrong it isn’t needed for the real world. But because I went I think I deserve a gold motivation star. 

As I am talking to you all it is still snowing! So being the genius I am I am drinking coffee and wrapped in a blanket, yes you are probably think wrapped in a blanket and at a desk typing. Well yes I am looking a bit weird and frozen but hey that’s life. Anyways earlier I said that I was going to update you all on my life and here it goes. Well I should start off by saying that I have dropped a class bumping me down to 13 credit hours this semester. I made this decision because currently my gpa is much more important to me than continuing to learn about the systems in plants and animals. After being bored to death in that class and withdrawing from it I also made another decision. I am switching my major and picking up two new majors. The two are a dual major program with animal science was my main major and journalism as my second. I  can’t begin to express how excited I am to start these classes. I am already behind which means I have summer classes but I am so excited it doesn’t even matter. 

Well for now world I think that is all I have to share with you all! Keep it classy and stay warm
